Synopsis: One year after his brother’s death, Jack (Mark Duplass, SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED) hasn’t recovered. His best friend, Iris (Emily Blunt, THE FIVE-EAR ENGAGEMENT), prescribes solitary reflection and sends him to her father’s empty cabin. But she doesn’t realise her sister, Hannah (Rosemarie DeWitt, RACHEL GETTING MARRIED), is there for similar reasons, having just walked out on a seven-year relationship. Over tequila shots, Hannah and Jack get acquainted. When Iris drops in unexpectedly, complications arise in the form of rivalry and more than a few surprising revelations.
Starring: Mark Duplass, Emily Blunt, Rosemarie Dewitt
Director: Lynn Shelton
Writer: Lynn Shelton
Australian Distributor: Madman Films
Release Date: Thurs 9 September